I am 43 years old and I have quite the sweet tooth. So, you would think that I would have experienced a true sugar high before this past weekend. I certainly thought that... but this past weekend proved me wrong.
I have definitely known sugar buzzes before. I have consumed cookies, candy, soda, or other sweet treats in excess and found myself feeling wired. I have consumed such treats and crashed. However, I had not, in my memory, experienced the absolute rush that I did this weekend.
Wild Bill's Soda was at Midwest FurFest. Shan and I were not familiar with this company, but we have been trying fun and interesting craft sodas on an intended-to-be-regular-but-not-in-practice-regular basis since we moved to the Saint Louis area. Wild Bill's Soda was holding a deal that a mug purchase included unlimited soda refills for the day of the purchase. So, we could buy nice mugs for home use and try the full collection of flavors. That sounded good.
We opted for one silver insulated mug, one copper insulated mug, and two anodized metal straws. Shan started with Blazing Black Cherry and I started with Sarsaparilla Six Shooter. Since I am trying to cut back on excess sugar, but I wanted to taste all the sodas, I aimed to not actually fill my mug, but just pour in a little.
Shan bought me a milk cake from a local baker for my birthday this year. I never had a milk cake before. It was made from several types of milk and cream, and its flavor is... cream, basically. I cannot think of a better way to describe the flavor of milk cake other than that it tastes like sweet milk in cake form.
I mention that because that is how Sarsaparilla Six Shooter tasted: like a soda version of milk cake. It did not taste like cream soda; it tasted much more like cream.
Blazing Black Cherry managed to somehow taste both tart and yet like pure sugar at the same time.
Outlaw Orange tasted like Creamsicle, with the emphasis on the cream.
Rocky Mountain Root Beer was the creamiest root beer I ever tried (and some Saint Louis craft root beers are amazingly creamy), and my stopping point, though there were two more flavors available, plus sweetened seltzer water.
As I mentioned, I took care to not fill my mug. The mugs can hold 20 ounces (way more soda than I need, especially when I can refill) and I wanted to try all the flavors. So, I aimed to fill to no more than 1/4 each time, including the foam, so probably got about 3-4 ounces of actual drink each time. That still adds up over three sodas (one standard can contains 12 ounces and yes, three sodas, because I took just a sip of Shan's Blazing Black Cherry). However, I accidentally let Rocky Mountain Root Beer fill to half (again, with foam, so actual soda was less, but still, the running total probably exceeds 12 ounces now).
Also, I had taken care to only take small sips of the soda, rather than any big gulps or swigs. The sugar was slowly building in my system. It was also building in my mouth, and I needed a drink. Forgetting exactly what I was drinking, I took two long draughts on my straw... of Rocky Mountain Root Beer.
My eyes went huge. My eyes watered. My eyes started crying. My mouth opened wide into a painfully wide Joker smile. I started laughing uncontrollably.
I was high.
On sugar.
Laughing maniacally and crying, I wended my way through the crowded Dealers Den to a water cooler and filled my mug with water.
I drank that water and allowed myself generous refills of water for the rest of the day.
Whoo. Wow. Good stuff, that Wild Bill's Soda. I wonder whether they sell it by the shot glass... because that is probably the most I should consume within any given day.
Category: Deer Me Art
Labels: Deer Me, Art, Female, Lynx, Squid Hat
Characters: Zeal Sharpclaw