Snarkclaw Snarkclaw: Art And Comics by Sheryl Schopfer. Illustrations include characters from Deer Me and Sharpclaw, plus fan art, mostly in a cartoony style.

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Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

I plan to, though I probably shall not bother with the website, but still aim for the 50,000 words across the month of November. I have so much content collected for Deer Me stories that needs to actually be compiled into stories -- which I have been saying for months now -- and I want to prioritize that project.

I keep wanting to get more writing and art done, but I am definitely slowing down rather than speeding up. I find it frustrating. I know I often waste time on useless endeavors, so periodic focused projects like NaNoWriMo help orient me. That is my hope, anyway.

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